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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tana Toraja "Exotic Culture Society"

Tana Toraja is, 2 º 20'sampai 3 º 30 ', south latitude, is one of 23 districts in South Sulawesi province, located on East 120 ° 10' between 119 º 30 '. "Capital," Tator Rantepao is a small town, urban cool and comfortable in one of the major rivers of the river dividing Sa'dan Sulawesi, south, the river's energy power plants to power the entire Napier is given. In sociolinguistics, the language of the Toraja language is called the van der Venn Tae. Linguists and language Sa'dan Kuroitokoru Adriani like this. This language, Tallulembangna such dialect (Makale), Kesu dialect (Rantepao), Mappapana dialect (West Toraja), including several dialects, is composed.

Tana Toraja boundaries are as follows.
- North: Luwu, Mamuju, Mamasa district
- East: Luwu
- South: Pinrang and Enrekang
- West: Polmas districtTana Toraja record total of 3205.77 km ², or 15 (15) area of ​​approximately 5% of the area, including the District of South Sulawesi. The population in 2001, / km ² 2.68 percent at an annual average 126 people a man and reached 689 404 people consisting of 209 900 souls and 199 789 women living in an average population density in the range of rate of population growth.

Tator means the whole country round was like the sun and moon unity government and the social round berketuhanan originally "Ayatana Matari 'Mon Tondok Lepongan", the old name is said in ancient literature, such as their had. The original religion of their ancestors Marinding the State is derived from sources known as Banua Puan Aluk Pitung Sa'bu Pitung Pulo is Aluk Todolo. When the Dutch came in, Aluk Todolo religion is replaced by the Christian missionaries spread the religion of the region. However, the practice is rooted in the concepts that are still running Aluk Todolo. We're going to enjoy the show as a funeral society Tator strong influence of religion of their ancestors yet.
According to historical data, who lived in / occupied an area of ​​ancient Toraja first is to move people from the south by boat. They Arroan (human populations), comes in the form of a group called. Arroan each Ambe "Arroan (father Ambe '=, Arroan = group) led by the leader called. It is because it comes to using a boat along the major river that they, Puang whose name means the owner of the vessel then came ruler in the history of Toraja known in Lembang of. at any time, boats have been unable to continue the rock and water fast rivers for that, then they are temporary refuge Unload the boat as they used. They moored the boat, build a house here, the first named Bamba Puang central base means the owner of the boat so far. granary of rice Tongkonan with dozens of area (traditional houses Tator) are present around some Puang Ranteapo Bamba family owned the most influential and affluent families established there, and we'll look far. Each are decorated with dozens of buffalo horn is used to describe the social status of indigenous peoples in the formation of one big family Tongkonan.'s photos of hundreds of tourists come to Tator and cultural attractions Tongkonan an object

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kuta Beach Bali "Indonesia's most wanted"

Bali is known for its beautiful beaches. One of the potential places that you must visit when on vacation to Bali is the southern island of the Gods, precisely Kuta beach. Kuta Beach is a tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists who visited Bali, the beautiful beach that has its own charm.

With panoramana who served in the afternoon, visitors can enjoy the stunning sunset. In addition to panoramic sunset which is a major treat at Kuta beach, there are several other advantages possessed the Kuta beach is a beach that used to exercise proper surfing (surfing).

Kuta is famous for its beautiful sunsets. This is very different from the beaches of Sanur is famous for its beauty at sunrise. Domestic and foreign tourists will be crowded Kuta beach to witness the beauty of a spectacular sunset. Kuta beach has a long coastline with its beautiful terraced waves.

not only adults who are so enjoying the beach atmosphere. Parents, children and all pets were also happy to enjoy the beauty of Kuta beach. Children will happily swim at the beach, there is some play sand and frolic with friends and pets.

The distance to the airport very close to Kuta for about 10 to 15 minutes away by motorized vehicles. Being from the direction of Denpasar be taken within 20 to 30 minutes.

Kuta has grown so rapidly. Similarly, the neighboring village of Tuban Kuta, Legian, Legian and Seminyak. all have been turned into tourist congested areas. Kuta is equipped with a variety of hotel, restaurant, travel agenttoko stores, artshop, money changer and laundry to meet the tourist's needs.

Kuta Karnival held once a year which contains activities that attract visitors such as the release of sea turtles and other interesting race. Welcome to the Kuta beach ..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gamelan "Beautifully music instrument"

Javanese gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually accentuate metallophones, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The music is created on Javanese gamelan gong sound comes from the alloy, kenong and other Javanese musical instruments. Rhythm of the music is generally soft and reflects the harmony of life, as life principle adopted by the Java community in general.

There are many part of javanese gamelan :

kendang is the Central Javanese gamelan instruments in which one of its main functions to set the rhythm. This instrument sounded by hand, without tools bantu.Jenis small drums called ketipung, a medium called the drum ciblon / Chebar. The couple named ketipung there is one more commonly called drums drums gedhe kalih. Kalih played drums on the song or the piece is characterized by smooth like Ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and rhythm ladrang dadi. Can also be played on the downbeat quick launch type, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For there is one more puppet show a typical kendang, kendang kosek.

 Barung Bonang is one part of a set of Javanese gamelan, Bonang is divided into two barung and Bonang Bonang successor.

 Saron or ricik also commonly called, is one of the gamelan instruments including balungan family.
In one set of gamelan usually had 4 saron, and all have versions pelog and slendro. Saron produce a tone one octave higher than demung, with a smaller physical size. Hit the saron is usually made ​​of wood, with a shape like a hammer.
There is the usual way according to the tone, a tone which returns, or alternating between beating saron saron 1 and 2. Slow and fast depending on the playing of loud weak command of the drums and the type gendhingnya. In gendhing Gangsaran describing the condition of war for example, ricik played hard and fast. In a nuanced military gendhing Gati, ricik beating slow but hard. While accompany the song played softly.

Kenong is an element of gamelan instruments pencon the most obese, compared with kempul and that although a large gong-shaped but flat. Kenong is structured in the form pangkon hardwood covered with ropes, so that when struck kenong will not be swayed to the side but can be swayed to the top down, thus producing sound. Kenong great shape produces a low voice but loud with a distinctive timber (in the Java community caught the ear-rings ning nong, so called kenong). In gamelan, voice kenong fill the sidelines between kempul.

Gong is a well-known percussion instruments in Southeast Asia and East Asia. This gong is used for traditional musical instruments. Currently not many more crafters gong like this.

Gong that has been forged could not be determined tone. Gong tones newly formed after rinsing and cleaning. If the tone is still not appropriate, so that a layer of bronze gongs scraped becomes thinner. In South Korea also called Kkwaenggwari. But kkwaenggwari made ​​of brass-colored metal is played in a way supported by the five fingers and played with a cue stick to hit short. How to hold kkwaenggwari using five fingers has yet another special purpose, because one finger (index finger) can be used to dampen vibrations and reduce the volume of the gong tinkling sound produced.

there are just a few part of gamelan, it still have more part that if all of them mixed you will be feel amazing because of its beautifull sound.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reog Ponorogo "Javanese mistical dance"

Reog ponorogo is the one of most important heritage culture of indonesia. Reog is one of the cultural arts originating from East Java and the northwestern part Ponorogo hometown Reog regarded as the truth. Ponorogo city gate was decorated by the figure warok and gemblak, two figures who took part performed at the time reog demonstrated. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesia is still very strong with things mystical and powerful mysticism.

 Reog stories contained in reog ponorogo take Panji stories. The story revolves around the journey of King Kelana Sewandana looking for her hero, accompanied by horsemen and patihnya faithful, Bujangganong. When the choice fell on the daughter prabu Kadiri, Sanggalangit goddess, the goddess gives the condition that he would accept his love when he prabu willing to create a new art. It creates reog ponorogo. Movements in the dance reog ponorogo describe the doings of man in life's journey started birth, life, until death. His philosophy is very deep.

 There are 5 components Reog Ponorogo dancer in the dance, namely:

1. King King Kelono Sewandono Kelono Sewandono this is a major figure in dance Reog Ponorogo. He is portrayed as a heroic king and wise, is depicted as a man with wings and a red mask. He has the ultimate weapon called the whip Samandiman.

2. Bujangganong duke duke duke of King bujangganong is Kelono Sewandono, is the protagonist in this dance. He is described as the duke, who was small and short, but clever and agile. Bujangganong duke called penthulan. Dancers do not wear clothes, just a red vest and red mask as well.

3. Jathil Jathil or Jathilan is an army of female soldiers on horseback. In Reog Ponorogo dance, dancers Jathil are women. They are described as a beautiful woman warrior and brave. Jathil dancer costume worn is white satin shirt as a superior and a subordinate jarit batik. They wore head coverings udheng as horse shows and riding (piggyback made of woven bamboo)

4. Warok Kelono troops Sewandono Warok is described as being powerful mandraguna and immune to sharp weapons. Warok dancers are men and are generally huge. Warok dressed in all black (black baggy pants and black shirt is not buttoned) called Penadhon. Penadhon is now also used as an official cultural clothing Ponorogo. Warok divided into two, namely warok warok old and young. The difference lies in the costumes they wear, where the old warok before penadhon wearing a white shirt and carrying a stick, while the young warok not wearing nothing but penadhon and does not carry a stick. The warok ultimate weapon is the rope of thick white drawstring.

5. Pembarong pembarong is a dancer who has the most important role in the dance Reog Ponorogo. Pembarong are the dancers who will bring sudden Peacock (lion's head mask with red bird ornaments and feathers on the head of lion) is one and a half feet tall. Pembarong wearing black pants and shirt kimplong (clothes which have only one hook shoulder) and have to bite the wood on the inside of a lion's head to lift sudden peacock. A pembarong should be someone who is very strong, because he should be able to subdue sudden Peacock to reach the floor and picked it up again to an upright position. Peacock suddenly symbolized as Singobarong, and in general this is what makes sudden Peacock dance Reog Ponorogo be very unique, because it forms a very large mask and distinctive as well as the philosophy in it. Therefore, pembarong really should have the skills and abilities of high order to turn Singobarong he played.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kelimutu Lake "Lake with Three Color Water"

 Lake Flores is one of the tourist attraction on the island of Flores. The lake is unique because it has a different color of water and is often referred to as the lake three colors. The lake itself is located on a mountaintop Flores, precisely in the village of strikes, sub-Flores, Ende district.

Lake water is red, blue and white. But these colors also vary over time. Lake with an area of ​​1.051 million square meters is believed to be haunted by the surrounding community, until now, the lake Flores is believed to be the residence of the spirits. Water colors that distinguish types of spirits that live there.

 Outside of this magical belief, natural scenery on the lake is beautiful Flores. The combination of the three color lakes with barren outskirts of the mountain that would be very beautiful when seen in the morning before the fog down. Panorama is best when viewed from a height when the three lakes visible. Given that the boundary between the lake just a stone wall that fast landslides, so no application allows for visitors to take a closer look.

Kelimutu had erupted in 1886 and left three shaped crater lake water color can change unexpectedly, according to the mineral content and the weather. Unexpected changes the color of lake water, it makes its own mystery is not able to solve until now.

It is worth noting, once the lake is never red, white and blue. Like two sides of a coin that could not be separated, to walk in harmony with the natural changes lasting trust of local communities to make a magic lake itself is an attraction for everyone, especially those of you outdoors enthusiasts and fans of natural scenery.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lombok Island "Exotic Island beside Bali"

Lombok island is an island that lies at Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. It separated from Bali island by Lombok strait. Lombok island basicaly similar to Bali Island. Lombok island often clled by island of the pearl, because many sellers pearl jewelry. Starting from the hotel lobby, street vendors, area attractions, until every corner of the city, there is always a pearl seller.

 Demographically the population range from 2,536,000 inhabitants (data year 2004) with a population density of 537 people / KMA ². Sasak tribes indigenous population. But on the island of Lombok there are some tribal migrants from various regions such as ethnic Balinese, Javanese, and others. Is a native of Sasak tribe which occupied the island of Lombok is numbered as many as 2.6 million people (85% of total population of Lombok). They had relations with the Balinese people from culturally and linguistically.

Lombok may not be as famous as the island of Bali, but this is precisely the advantage that you get the chance to enjoy its natural beauty is more personal.

Only within 4 hours by ferry or just 25 minutes by air from Bali, Lombok now appear more attractive as one of national and international tourist destination.

Natural scenic beauty of this beach has attracted foreign tourists back and forth on the road by carrying his surf gear. Yes, that's one beach activity you can do while visiting Kuta Beach, a beach that was dressed up in Central Lombok.

Other tourist mainstay, namely three small islands (gili), namely Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air. Three dyke has now become a favorite of foreign tourists, especially Gili Trawangan. "Well, in Gili Trawangan is the hotel is always full. In other places, hotel occupancy rates now averaging above 50 percent. The three Gili's paradise of Caucasians," said Deputy Governor of the NTB. Period August are crowded tourist arrivals in Gili Trawangan is marked every occupied hotel full of tourists. I was so full, foreign tourists must stay in the homes of residents.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Goa Gong "Beautifull Cave with Gong Sound"

Indonesia is a country which have most natural scenery. Beaches, mountains, lakes, and caves. This country was given so many caves that have characteristics of each. many tourist attracted by Goa Gong, the most beautiful and amazing cave in Southeast Asia. Goa Gong is one of the mainstay attractions Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia. Goa Gong is claimed by many as caves and stalagmites that have stalagnit best in Southeast Asia.

 Goa Gong is located on Bomo, Punung, Pacitan about 30 km from the town of Pacitan. Yag winding roads and up and down makes the rider must be careful, not to mention some minor roads were damaged. Arriving at the front gate, visitors must first walk about 100 meters. The flashlight vendors at the gate or mouth of the cave will offer their flashlights to rent. During the trip you can enjoy the sights typical of the mountains or a quick stop to shop at the stalls that lined all the way to the cave.

When entering the cave you'll be amazed at the sights of magnificent sightseen. Stalagnit and stalagmite in the cave will hypnotize each eye to see it. Fluorescent lamps add to the colorful keeksotikan this cave. In addition to stalagnit and stalagmites were treated to a dazzling, one of the attractions of Goa Gong is a crystal of space there is such a beautiful and fascinating.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Javanese Keris "Traditional Weapon with Mistical Power"

Pusaka most famous or heirloom for Javanese people is Keris (dagger). Long ago, a man is seen as a real man, if he has keris. Keris is highly valued, respected and treated with special care.

This weapon (pusaka) is usually inherited from their ancestors. According to Javanese tradition, especially in families, in court, a father was forced to give his son at least a keris obscene.

Keris especially have two main parts, the blade (Wilah) and scabbard (Warangka) divided, in order to protect the blade. Manufacturing process of the blade in the old days can last for one year only for keris. Keris is as Empu filter. Only issue may Empu's high quality keris, physically and spiritually. Empu done in a certain spiritual deeds to prepare a keris, like fasting, sleeping, not for several days and nights, meditation, etc.

Pencak Silat Indonesia "Complete Martial Art"

Pencak Silat is a martial art that has its roots in Malay cilture. This martial art is found in Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and countries bordering the state of ethnic Malays.

Many historians claim that Pencak Silat was first discovered in Riau, Indonesia in the era of Srivijaya empire in the seventh century, although in a rough form. Malay martial art was later spread to all parts of the kingdom of Srivijaya, the peninsula of Malacca, and Java.

But the existence of new Silat recorded in the books of literature in the eleventh century. It is said that Datuk Suri Pahariyangan Kings of the Kingdom at the foot of Mount Merapi, has developed a form of martial arts in addition to other Minangkabau. Minangkabau Silat is then spread to other areas due to migration of the nomads. Malay martial arts reached their peak in the era of the Majapahit empire in the sixteenth century. Kingdom of Majapahit utilize martial arts as the science of war to expand their territory.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bunaken National Park "Beautifull indonesian underwater"

Exciting beach and wonderfull Bunaken underwater tours (diving) is the main thing of the tourist city of Manado. Bunaken island itself is located in an area of ​​approximately 8 km in the Bay of Manado more exactly in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The small island that are fascinated everyone who visit this beach, it is part of the city of Manado, which is the capital of North Sulawesi province of Indonesia. If you want to travel there can be reached by speed boat or a ship chartered by approximately a half hour trip from the port city of Manado. Around the island there Bunaken Bunaken marine park that is part of the Bunaken National Park.

The beauty of this place makes all the travelers who come do not want to leave the small island Millions Who Have amazing fantation. Bunaken national park marine has a 20 point dive (dive spot) with varying depths of up to 1344 meters. Of the 20 point dive, dive 12 points of which are located around the island of Bunaken. Twelve dive spot is the one most frequented by divers and lovers of the beauty of the underwater scenery.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Angklung Indonesia " From Bamboo become beautifull musical instrument"

Angklung is a musical instrument multitonal (double pitched) that are traditionally grown in the Sundanese society in west java, Indonesia. This musical instrument made ​​from bamboo, sounded shaken by the way (the sound caused by impact bodies of bamboo pipes) so as to produce sounds that vibrate in the arrangement of tones 2, 3, to 4 tones in every size, both large and small. Barrel (tone) as a musical instrument angklung music is most traditionaly Sundanese.

Species of bamboo which is used as a musical instrument is a black bamboo and white bamboo. Each tone (barrel) is generated from the sound of tube-shaped bamboo slats (wilahan) each segment of bamboo from small to large sizes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Green Canyon "Grand canyon's of Indonesia"

Green canyon is one of tour object in Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia that have incrediblly beautifull landscape. Green Canyon is a place that you won't be missed when visiting tour object Pangandaran. This is not an exaggeration because this resort offers a uniqueness that is difficult to obtain from other attractions. Beautiful scenery and the beauty offered in the Green Canyon formerly known Cukang Taneuh.
The first destination is tunnel-like cave which is under the land bridge, known as Green Canyon Cave. To reach the cave, you should use a boat down the river Cijulang called ketinting. The boat was only able to be boarded by five passengers. Rent a boat or ketinting price of Rp 75,000, - per boat. The time required to perform the journey that starts from the pier towards the cave Ciseureuh approximately 30 minutes.

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