Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Gamelan "Beautifully music instrument"
Javanese gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually accentuate metallophones, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The music is created on Javanese gamelan gong sound comes from the alloy, kenong and other Javanese musical instruments. Rhythm of the music is generally soft and reflects the harmony of life, as life principle adopted by the Java community in general.
There are many part of javanese gamelan :
kendang is the Central Javanese gamelan instruments in which one of its main functions to set the rhythm. This instrument sounded by hand, without tools bantu.Jenis small drums called ketipung, a medium called the drum ciblon / Chebar. The couple named ketipung there is one more commonly called drums drums gedhe kalih. Kalih played drums on the song or the piece is characterized by smooth like Ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and rhythm ladrang dadi. Can also be played on the downbeat quick launch type, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For there is one more puppet show a typical kendang, kendang kosek.
Barung Bonang is one part of a set of Javanese gamelan, Bonang is divided into two barung and Bonang Bonang successor.
Saron or ricik also commonly called, is one of the gamelan instruments including balungan family.
In one set of gamelan usually had 4 saron, and all have versions pelog and slendro. Saron produce a tone one octave higher than demung, with a smaller physical size. Hit the saron is usually made of wood, with a shape like a hammer.
There is the usual way according to the tone, a tone which returns, or alternating between beating saron saron 1 and 2. Slow and fast depending on the playing of loud weak command of the drums and the type gendhingnya. In gendhing Gangsaran describing the condition of war for example, ricik played hard and fast. In a nuanced military gendhing Gati, ricik beating slow but hard. While accompany the song played softly.
Kenong is an element of gamelan instruments pencon the most obese, compared with kempul and that although a large gong-shaped but flat. Kenong is structured in the form pangkon hardwood covered with ropes, so that when struck kenong will not be swayed to the side but can be swayed to the top down, thus producing sound. Kenong great shape produces a low voice but loud with a distinctive timber (in the Java community caught the ear-rings ning nong, so called kenong). In gamelan, voice kenong fill the sidelines between kempul.
Gong is a well-known percussion instruments in Southeast Asia and East Asia. This gong is used for traditional musical instruments. Currently not many more crafters gong like this.
Gong that has been forged could not be determined tone. Gong tones newly formed after rinsing and cleaning. If the tone is still not appropriate, so that a layer of bronze gongs scraped becomes thinner. In South Korea also called Kkwaenggwari. But kkwaenggwari made of brass-colored metal is played in a way supported by the five fingers and played with a cue stick to hit short. How to hold kkwaenggwari using five fingers has yet another special purpose, because one finger (index finger) can be used to dampen vibrations and reduce the volume of the gong tinkling sound produced.
there are just a few part of gamelan, it still have more part that if all of them mixed you will be feel amazing because of its beautifull sound.
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